We're very excited about all the features packed into the Five Star Review Script and we're quite sure you will be too after you see all the benefits it can bring to your website. Be sure to check out the extensive list of features.How You'll Benefit:
The Facts Are In!"Fully 81% of online holiday shoppers read online customer product or retailer reviews, saying the write-ups made them more comfortable with purchase decisions." James Russo, Vice President of Marketing, The Nielsen Company
Nielsen Online Says:"A recent Nielsen Online MegaPanel survey revealed Ken Cassar, VP, Industry Insights, The Nielsen Company
The Internet Retailer:"Product ratings and reviews may have the best claim to boosting revenue. 82% of consumers surveyed last year by consulting firm Deloitte & Touche LLP said consumer-written product reviews directly influenced their buying decisions, and 69% passed reviews on to others. Pet supplies retailer Petco Animal Supplies Inc. reports that consumers who view web pages with top-rated products convert at a 60% higher rate than other visitors, and that buyers return products with only one to five reviews 135% more often than those with 50 to 100 reviews. But consumers read reviews critically. In the case of one retailer, products that gained the top rating, five stars, converted at 11 times the rate of unrated products—but four-star products produced 18 times more sales, more than the higher-rated products, says Fiona Dias, executive vice president of partner strategy for GSI Commerce Solutions Inc., which operates the e-commerce business of the unnamed retailer."
E-Commerce Times:"Fifty-five percent of consumers "would be more likely to buy from a site that has reviews," and "63 percent find ratings and reviews helpful when making a purchase," according to a survey of more than 100 shoppers sponsored by Bazaarvoice and published earlier this year."
Internet Retailer:A recent Internet Retailer report, “Website Design, Content and Rich Media,” showed that consumers who read online product reviews were also likely to buy more while on an online retail site. Some 27% of the respondents who read customer reviews reported average spending between 5% and 10% higher than those who did not read them. Another 21% of review readers reported average spending between 1% and 5% higher than that of non-readers. Nearly 7% of respondents who said they read customer reviews reported average spending 20% higher than other online shoppers.